Join best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur and world-leading coach, Remi Pearson, on the global movement, BraveHeart: Let go. Let in. Let love. Braveheart is the journey of walking your path to your truest self. Its message is one of possibility for each of us, regardless of our circumstance, to reclaim that inner truth of who we are.Each of us is bravehearted. Each of us has, within us, a truth that is sacred. Each of us is whole and enough. Yet all of us inherit a doubt that we are enough, and because of this we develop coping strategies – we adapt – to the lie that we are not enough. We compensate. Cover up. Pretend we’re someone we’re not. And it’s exhausting.BraveHeart is the place where the pretense and the hiding can stop. And the real you, who is joyful, adventurous, open, loving, playful, spontaneous and at ease with life, can shine through.Download the app now to connect with Remi, unlock daily messages, discover monthly masterclasses, and join the global community of like-minded people all over the world as you step into your truest, most BraveHearted you.